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I am a socio-cultural anthropologist with a special interest in local and regional economies in the context of globalization and transnational connections. My ethnographic work focusses on the South American Andes, on peoples’ local social life and vernacular markets, as well as transnational trade and mobility. I have been working on labour migration from Ecuador and Bolivia to Spain and on the distribution of mobile phones and other electronic appliances from China via Chile into Bolivia.

I have a genuine interest in sports and rhythm which induced me to participate in amateur football and folkloric dances as part of my fieldwork. I have been working as non-fiction editor both in-house and free-lance in Germany and Spain.

You can learn more about my work on the following pages.

Selected publications:

2021 (with Cecilie Vindal Ødegaard). “Dossier: Espacios Transfronterizos de los Andes: Regímenes de regulación, acumulación y distribución entre el estado y los grupos aymara y quechua” [Special Dossier: Cross-border spaces of the Andes: Regimes of regulation, accumulation and distribution between the state and Aymara and Quechua groups]. Diálogo Andino. Revista de Historia, Geografía y Cultura Andina 66 (3): 249-363.  

2021 „Urban Mining” in Bolivia. Global Value Chains of Local Electronic Waste. Etnofoor 33(2): 41-56.

2021 The Limits of Corporate Chains and Brand Management: “Loyalty” and the Efficacy of Vernacular Markets in the Andes. Cultural Anthropology 36(2): 252-281.

2020 Rebuilt Indigeneity: Architectural Transformations in El Alto. Roadsides 4: 8-14.

2020 Webs of Fiesta-related Trade. Chinese Imports, Investment and Reciprocity in La Paz, Bolivia. Critique of Anthropology 40 (2): 238-263.

2018 Andean-Pacific Commerce and Credit: Bolivian Traders, Asian Migrant Businesses, and International Manufacturers in the Regional Economy. Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 23(1): 18–36.

Re-published in: Trade, Trading, and Inequality, edited by Antrosio, Jason and Sallie Han. Open Anthropology 7(3) (Dec. 2019).