Bolivian Labour Migration and Mobility

Transnational movements, (im)mobility and borders are issues that cross-cut my work. I am especially interested in different forms and infrastructures of migration and mobility in the Andes. Movements include trans-Atlantic labour migration, transborder trade and trans-Pacific commercial travels. These latter take place in the context of reconfigured Latin America-China relations (Müller and Colloredo-Mansfeld 2018, Müller 2016). I have worked on transpacific travels of Bolivian trader women and men to China whose transient trade impedes all too powerful commercial intermediation (Müller 2019), whereas labour migration to Spain has been verticalized through “migration industries” in origin and destination (Müller 2011).
Related publications:
2021 Encuentros y espectáculos fronterizos: Comercio transfronterizo y disputas por la legitimidad y riqueza en el occidente de Oruro, Bolivia. [Border Encounters and Spectacles: Trans-border trade and disputes over legitimacy and wealth in Western Oruro, Bolivia]. Diálogo Andino. Revista de Historia, Geografía y Cultura Andina 66 (3): 299-311.
2021 Rutas, infraestructuras y mercados fronterizos en el occidente de Oruro, Bolivia. Boletín (Trans)Fronteriza N° 5 (CLACSO) [Fronteras y circuitos económicos populares].
2019 Transient trade and the distribution of infrastructural knowledge: Bolivians in China. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 3(1): 15–29. DOI: 10.1386/tjtm.3.1.15_1.
2018 (Juliane Müller and Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, eds.). Dossier: Entrepreneurship, Artisans, and Traders. The Remaking of China-Latin American Economies. Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 23(1): 9-93.
2017 ‘Travelling against the odds’: Bolivian Women Traders in China. Anthropology News website World Anthropologies column, September 8, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/AN.606.
2016 Relaciones comerciales Bolivia-China: El rol de las economías populares y del empresariado privado [Commercial Relations Bolivia-China: The Role of Popular Economies and Private Enterprise]. In: Las relaciones económica entre América Latina y Asia. Hacia la construcción de una nueva inserción internacional, edited by Miranda, Mauricio und Peláez, José Tomás. Cali: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana/Centro de Pensamiento sobre Asia y Pacífico. 291-313.
2011 Migrantinnen als Touristinnen zwischen Bolivien und Spanien [Migrant Women as Tourists between Bolivia and Spain]. Sociologus. Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie 61(2): 177-196.
2004 Lokale Politik, staatsbürgerschaftliche Partizipation und kollektive Identifikationen. Lateinamerikanische Immigranten in Freiburg im Breisgau [Local Politics, Civic Participation, and Collective Identifications among Latin American Migrants in Freiburg, Germany]. Lateinamerika Analysen 9: 3-30 (with Adolfo García Jerez).