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2020 Habilitation (anthropology), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich, Germany); accreditation (venia legendi) for being university professor

2011 Ph.D. (anthropology) Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany); Highest honors, summa cum laude

2005 (publishing) LMU Munich; post-graduate degree book sciences

2003 Mag. (socio-cultural anthropology, economics and geography) Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg (Germany)


Since 07/2021 Lectora profesora, Serra Húnter programme (Assistant Professor), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona

2019-2021 Research Fellow, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona

2012-2019 Lecturer, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, LMU Munich

09-10/2018 Research Fellow, Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Bolivian Catholic University, La Paz

2014-2015 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

11-12/2011  Visiting Researcher, Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University, Washington DC


Field experience

2020 La Paz, Bolivia (two months, research on the valuation and reuse of outdated electronic appliances)

2013-2018 Bolivia, Chile, China (research on Bolivian traders, local markets and transnational commodity chains of consumer electronics, in total 22 months of fieldwork)

2013 La Paz, Bolivia (Bolivian-German research cooperation on a popular commercial area for consumer electronics in La Paz, the project included four weeks of fieldwork)

2012 La Paz, Bolivia (research on indigenous soccer and women’s wrestling in Bolivia, ethnographic and archival work, six weeks)

2007-2009 Seville, Spain (research on Andean migration, migrants’ sports associations and women’s soccer, 18 months)

2002-2003 Freiburg, Germany (research on civic participation and collective identifications of Latin American migrants, six months)


At University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) (Spring 2015): Transnational Migration and Borders in Europe (502 Anthropology class)

At University of Seville (Spain) (March 2013): Guest lecturer in urban anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology (ERASMUS instructor exchange)

At University Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) (September 2012): Migraciones Internacionales en América Latina y Europa (Sociology class) (Academic and Student Exchange and Cooperation Agreement LMU – UMSA)

AT LMU Munich

Fall 2020

Andean South America: Anthropology of the Andes and current developments in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador

Fall 2018

Andean South America: Anthropology of the Andes and current developments in Bolivia

Fall 2016

Economic Anthropology of Globalization and Transnational Connections

Spring 2014

Ethnographic Research Methods 1+2

Applied and Practicing Anthropology

Fall 2013

Applied and Practicing Anthropology 1+2             

“Building an Anthropology of the Modern World”: The work of Eric R. Wolf

Spring 2013   

Ethnographic Research Methods 1+2

Analysis of Field Data (with Natalie Göltenboth)

Applied and Practicing Anthropology

“Games, Sports, and Cultures”: Ethnographies in Comparison

Bachelor Thesis Colloquium

Ethnographic Field School (March, Seville, Spain, with Natalie Göltenboth)

Fall 2012

Anthropology of the Andes

Anthropology of the Mediterranean (with Natalie Göltenboth)

Research Design (with Natalie Göltenboth)

Techniques of Scientific work

Spring 2012

Economic Anthropology

Ethnology of the Maghreb region

“Games, Sports, and Cultures”: Sports from an anthropological perspective

Fall 2011

Anthropology of the Andes and current cultural and political developments in Bolivia



2019-2021 German Science Foundation (DFG), Research Grant “Material Possession and Circulation. Outdated Electronic Appliances in Bolivia and the South-Central Andes”

2015-2018 German Science Foundation (DFG), Research Position (Eigene Stelle) “Plural Trading Worlds in Bolivia and Transnational Connections”

2013-2014 Volkswagen Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in the U.S., “Indigenous Entrepreneurs in a Global Context: Aymara Traders of La Paz/El Alto (Bolivia)

2013 Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), funding of bi-national German-Bolivian research cooperation

2013 University Society of LMU, grant for field school in Seville, Spain (with Natalie Göltenboth)

2013 DAAD with Bavarian State (Fund University International), travel grant for students participating in the field school in Seville

LMU internal

2018-2019 Habilitation stipend, Bavarian Gender Equality Grant (BGF)

2013-2016 LMU-excellent Mentoring Programme for Highly Qualified Female Young Scientists

2013 LMU-excellent Fund for Young Scientists, two students’ assistants for the elaboration and analysis of field data from Bolivia

2013 Lehre@LMU, grant for field school in Seville

2012 International Office at LMU, travel grant for initial research on Aymara Entrepreneurs in La Paz


2013 Scientific consultant for the discussion series World Wide: Work – a global debate (Goethe Institute and Theatre Kammerspiele, Munich)

2011 Non-Fiction Young Editor (Random House Bertelsmann, Munich)

2009-2010 Editing Assistant (Kunstmann Publishing House, Munich)

2005-2006 Freelance Editor (Random House Mondadori, Barcelona; Herder, Barcelona)

2002 Research Assistant at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (Vienna)

Language skills

German (mother tongue)

Spanish (fluent)

English (fluent)

French (good)

Catalan (basic)

Aymara (basic)


Organized Panels and Symposiums

2018 Panel Andean Commerce in a Globalized World. Social and Economic Implications of Regional Contraband Trade. Annual conference of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Barcelona, May 23-26

2016 Urban Economies: Cultural Perspectives on Grassroots Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Economies. International Symposium at the University of Munich, July 14-15 (with Eveline Dürr)

2015 Entrepreneurship, Artisans, and Traders: The Remaking of China-Latin America Economies. International symposium at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 1-2 (with Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld)

Talks (latest)

2020 Entre Samsung y Sabaya: Mi experiencia con la etnografía multisituada y multiescalar en Bolivia. Ciclo virtual “Cómo hice mi investigación”, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (IDIS-UMSA), La Paz, October 29

2019 Cadenas de suministro y la apropiación de valor: Multinacionales y comerciantes en el mercado de aparatos electrónicos en Bolivia. Seminar of the Department of Anthropology, University of Barcelona, October 23

2019 Del patrocinio rotativo a los turnos de inversión: Reciprocidad y capital en la Fiesta del Gran Poder, La Paz, Bolivia. Meeting of the Anthropology of Mercosur (RAM), Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 22-25

2018 Economic Opportunity amid Marketization: The Wholesale and Retail Trade of Electronic Equipment in Bolivia. Workshop: Precarity and Opportunity: Understanding the cultural rationales and social implications of economic transformations, University of Zurich, CH, December 13

2018 Legalidad y moral en la economía popular. El caso del comercio de electrónica en La Paz, Bolivia. Taller de Investigación Aplicada, Catholic University of Bolivia (UCB), September 26

2018 ‘We have to care for the market’: Trade Commons and Competition in La Paz, Bolivia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, July 5

2018 ‘Native Trade Zones’: Border work and local autonomy in Carangas, Bolivia. Panel Andean Commerce in a Globalized World. Social and Economic Implications of Regional Contraband Trade. Annual conference of LASA, Barcelona, May 23-26

2017 Bolivians in China and the Emergence of Commercial Brokers. Panel International Migrants in China: Infrastructure, trajectories and positionalities.  Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Washington DC, November 29-December 3

2017 Legalidad y legitimidad en el comercio en Bolivia. International symposium organized by the French Embassy, La Paz, Bolivia, October 4 

2017 Latin America-China Economies: Sino-Bolivian commercial ties and the multiplicity of brokers. Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Frankfurt, July 6

2017 “No al Código Tributario Neoliberal”: demandas y representaciones de los comerciantes-gremiales frente al Estado en Bolivia. V Conference of the Latin American Association of Anthropology, Bogota, Colombia, June 6-9

2017 Bringing Circulatory Legitimacy into Popular Circuits of Commerce: Global Electronics Brands in Bolivia. Annual Congress of LASA, Lima, Peru, April 29-May 1

2017 Roads, Stones and Ritual Practices on the Altiplano Plateau. International Symposium Connecting Materialities/Material Connectivities, Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, February 9-11

2016 Popular Trade in Bolivia and the Andes and in Relation with China. Presentation and roundtable discussion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anthropology, November 1

2016 Cerros, comerciantes y COAs. Violencia e intimidad cultural en la frontera Bolivia-Chile. National Museum for Ethnology and Folklore, Anthropology Nights, La Paz, Bolivia, October 11

2016 Reflexiones acerca de comerciantes populares como sujeto social y actor político en la actual Bolivia. XIII National Colloquium of Sociology, University del Valle, Cali, Columbia, September 7-9

2016 Corporate Formalization within Circuits of Commerce. Urban Popular Marketplaces in La Paz (Bolivia). Bi-annual Conf. of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Panel 09 Emergent Economic Futures: the intersections of formality and informality, Milan, July 20-23

2016 Cholitas Internacionales: Gender und Indigenität im Amateurfußball und der Lucha Libre in Bolivien. Workshop: Fußball, Transkulturalität und Gender aus ethnologischer Perspektive. Institute for Latin American Studies at FU Berlin, Germany, February 5